Privacy Policy




Solexis SA takes the protection of your data very seriously. We want you to feel safe using all of our services. Here we explain what data we collect and how we use it.

The personal data that you communicate to Solexis SA when you use our services are processed in accordance with the  Swiss data protection law (LPD)  and also aligns with that of the  Council of Europe  and the  General Data Protection Regulation. European Union data (EU GDPR ).


Data protection declaration

Responsible company

The company responsible (for processing) is Solexis SA, rue du Manège 3, Ile Falcon, 3960 Sierre.

Solexis SA works mainly with professional clients but considers it important that our clients know what kind of personal data is collected and processed, when and for what purposes.

Solexis SA reserves the right to adapt this data protection declaration at any time. We therefore ask you to refer to it regularly. The update date can be found at the beginning of this document.

What do we mean by personal data?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (e.g. name, address, telephone number or e-mail address).

What are our services that require your personal data?

All our advice services, request for offer or purchase of equipment, regardless of the user's choice of contact (e-shop, email, fax, telephone, via external services)


Our website and social networks only use your non-personal data for marketing analysis purposes (Google Analytics) in order to improve our services to our customers. This data is subject  to the rules relating to the use of data imported from Google Analytics .

Our Newsletter uses MailChimp as its marketing platform. The information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their  privacy policy . You can unsubscribe at any time using the links at the bottom of the page of our Newsletters.         


Solar Calculator

Legal provisions on collected data and value of displayed data


Confidentiality of collected data


When you request an appointment, your data is stored and processed using our Eturnity software platform. You have the following rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):


Right to information

– Name and contact details of the person responsible: (Administration Solexis, Ile Falcon, rue du Manège 3, CH 3960 Sierre)

– Purpose of data processing: consultation, profiling.

– Legal basis for data processing: contractual consent of the data subject.

– Recipient of personal data: Solexis SA, Sierre, Switzerland and Eturnity AG, Chur, Switzerland.

– Duration of data retention: until the data subject requests its deletion.


You can request information about the data stored about you at any time.

In addition, you can assert your rights under the GDPR to the responsible party designated above, in particular request that your data be corrected or deleted.

Additional Information :

  • – It is possible that tracking cookies are used by the software.
  • – Your data is not transmitted to other sites for advertising retargeting.

Displayed data value

The Solexis Calculator is a completely free online service allowing an initial estimate of your solar project. The information displayed is not contractual and cannot constitute a commercial offer without validation during the visit of our technical advisor.

The solar potential is calculated from the geographical location of your building, the slope and orientation of the roof you entered and assuming that the entire surface area indicated is clear and available (no shade span, no chimney, skylight, ventilation, etc.)

The investment budget displayed by the Calculator is based primarily on the amount including VAT of a standard company quote, with the most competitive materials and normal installation services in added mode, without added value due for example to a accessibility constraints of the roof or the obsolescence of the existing electrical installation.

This budget is then reduced by the Single Federal Retribution, as defined by the Pronovo incentive program from 01.04.2018, and a tax reduction on investment estimated by hypothesis at xx%.

For any questions about the operation of the Solexis Calculator, do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by telephone at 027 452 22 00


Transmission of personal data to third parties

Are personal data transmitted to third parties?

We do not transmit any of your personal data to third parties without explicitly having your consent (for example: when contacting a supplier partner, transporter or consulting partner with whom we must put you in contact). Our subcontractors, IT support providers and our trustee have access to your personal data but are subject to a strict confidentiality policy that complies with the law. At no time can our subcontractors use your data for purposes other than those we impose on them. In addition, we may transmit data to third parties if we are obliged to do so under legal provisions or an enforceable administrative or judicial decision.

Are personal data communicated to recipients located in a third country (EU)?

We also transmit personal data to third party providers who have their headquarters in the EU. This case only concerns a small number of items which would be delivered directly to our customer. These supplier partners are subject to the rules for the use of standard contractual clauses of the European Union.

Duration of storage and retention periods 

How long does Solexis SA keep personal data?

We keep your data as long as necessary for the provision of our offers and services. We delete your personal data, other than that which we must retain in accordance with our legal obligations (e.g. obligation to retain).

User rights

What are your rights as a data subject?

  • Right to information: the user has the right to ask the data controller which personal data concerning him or her are processed and whether these data are transmitted to a third country.
  • Right of rectification: the user has the right to request from the data controller the immediate rectification of incorrect or incomplete personal data concerning him.
  • Right of erasure: the user has the right to ask the data controller to erase personal data concerning him or her if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed and no legal provision exists. prohibits their deletion.
  • Right to restriction of processing: the user has the right to request from the controller the limitation of the processing of his data.
  • Right to withdraw consent: the user has the right to revoke his consent at any time regarding the processing of personal data concerning him for one or more specific purposes, if this processing is based on his explicit consent. Despite this revocation, the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent until said revocation is not called into question.
  • Right of opposition: the user has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, if said processing is based on a legitimate interest of the controller or a third party or is carried out for the purposes of prospecting.

Contact for data protection

If one of our customers wishes to obtain information about the data concerning them at Solexis SA, they can make a request by sending an e-mail to:
